Team Managers
It is the Coach's responsibility to appoint a Team Manager/Parent (unless otherwise appointed by the league). Under the rules of Softball BC, one member of each team's executive must be of the same gender as players. This is often the Team Manager/Parent. The Team Manager/Parent should be responsible for the off-field activities of the team.
Responsibilities of the Team Manager:
- Act as liaison between parents and coaches.
- Prepare a team list showing names/phone numbers/e-mails of players and parents. Collect all medical forms from parents and keep handy at each game.
- Set up team snap account and advise team of schedule(s) for games, practices etc.
- Organize parents for volunteer activities such as: scorekeeping, field prep (pre and post game), snacks (if applicable). This includes making sure all parents have “volunteered” for something and ensure they have completed the required volunteer duties for the season (if not, please report to Volunteer Coordinator (Shaulene)). Failure to achieve the necessary volunteer requirement will result in cheques being cashed.
- Organize team for in season field prep duties. There should be two families per home game to help with pre and post game set up/ raking etc. Up to four families can “volunteer” for this duty (get credit). Those families should be doing the majority of the field prep. All other families, except those that paid to opt out, the coaches and Executive members, may occasionally have to help with field prep. There is only 11 home games so most families will only have to help once or twice with the exception of the families that volunteered for that position.
- Organize scorekeepers to be there at least half hour before game time to write out line up cards and exchange line ups with opposing team. Please ensure that scorekeepers know how to properly score keep or advise if they need help.
- Tournaments –help coaches with organizing tournaments team will attend (register, collect funds etc).
- Ensure team support for league fundraising efforts and attendance at team photo session.
- Distribute and collect raffle tickets and funds by due date. Each player is required to sell a minimum of ONE BOOK. This is not optional. All raffle booklets must be handed in to receive team photos.
- Collect all uniforms following the last game of the season.
- Return uniforms to the Equipment lock-up at the Batting Cage on due date.
- Encourage parents/coaches to attend the AGM in June/July (potential for a free registration for those in attendance
North Langley Softball

Mailing Address Only:
#505–8840 210 St.
Box 114, Langley, BC
V1M 2Y2